Monday, November 1, 2010

Good Morning everyone:)
There's so much to share today but first and foremost I am the Guest Designer for Sunday's Sketch over at
My Little Sketch Blook. Do check me there if you want to read a little about me. But nevertheless here's the layout i worked on.


I want to thank Liz once again for giving me the opportunity to expand my horizon and creativity and of course to be featured in her blog :) Hugs Liz :)

Ok so what's up with me and what have i been doing lately?

Yes, crocheting....(is there ever such a word? lol)
I crochet and crochet and did these
5, 6 and even 7 petals flowers...

and came up with this.....

I wanted a vintage looking card but i think this is not vintagey enough :(
I did this in less than 10 mins..

I made a notebook....
A fabric one this time round...

I wanted to stamp some sentiments on the front but decided to have it original instead.... Those scallop laces was given to me free. There's this generous lady who knows that i do crazy little handmade stuff, she give me some of her laces like the whole roll of it and said "do whatever you want, it's all yours now" How sweet of her.....

Hmm.... this is non scrap related but i just can't contain my happiness. I want to dedicate this to my daughter...
A little Bit of
Love for You,
A few words from my Heart to yours......
In your happiest and most exciting moments,
my heart will celebrate and smile beside you.
In your lowest lows, my love will be there to keep you warm,
to give you strength, and to remind you that your sunshine
is sure to come again,
In your moments of accomplishments,
I will be filled so full of pride
that I may have a hard time keeping
the feeling inside of me.
In your moments of disappointment,
I will be a shoulder to cry on
a hand to hold, and a love that will
gently enfold you until everything's okay....
I looked at you today
and saw my beautiful
no longer a baby
but a beautiful person
with a full range of
emotions and feelings
and ideas and goals....
I am so proud of you and i love you so.....

Ok so you must be wondering why in the world am i writing all these...
Ok it's simple, she got 4 distinctions and is in the top 10 position for the whole academic cohort. Yup it's true, i mentioned it above, i'm having a hard time keeping that feeling inside of me coz i'm so full of pride for her. You go girl....

That's all for now folks....
I 've got to go....
Be back with two more layouts to share..
Take Care
Creative Momma

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