Thursday, April 7, 2011

I played with some paint
and I'm really happy with the result. I'm not a messy scrapper, I like my page neat and clean but there was this urge that made me took out my MM paint, and when i painted it a little here and there, I thought to  myself, hey...that's not bad after all...

Here's sharing with you...

 Beautiful lashes

I love her lashes and I love this page..with the burst of hot pink here and there...

Another page here.. 
using Bo Bunny's Gabrielle

So friends...How have you been? We are already one week into April..and this month I have a few celebrations coming up soon. Birthdays of course.. April will be passing us real soon and we will be welcoming May in no time to come. Whatever it is, stay happy and healthy always and live life to the fullest.

I received some belated Birthday gifts from my buddies...

These are from my wonderful Shad..
You know something..I'm so inspired by this color combo
I think i'm going to create something based on this colors..
So soft and sweet..pinkish, greenish, yellowish, whitish....
Thanks Shad for these..

And these from Sz...
Ok let me tell you, Sz is not a quote or poet kind of lady..
Any greetings or wishes she would need my help most of the time..her brain just doesn't work to this kind of stuff
But she took all the trouble to type this out for me, and I'm so touched and overwhelmed..
Sz, when this comes from means a lot to me

and this..
I kept these in my wallet..because they are so precious 
and it's so rare to received this kind of sentiments from her.. 
Thanks Sz, Thanks you much..

That's all for now
Thanks for coming into my little cyber world :)
Creative Momma

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